Mountain Lights
Visitors's Guide

Welcome to Mountain Lights. We have prepared a map of the parkway to guide you in your visit, and a video of a talk session in which the creator, Bruce Munroe, talks about his work and reveals the background of his creation.

We hope you enjoy your time at Mountain Lights.

Parkway Map

This is a park map to guide you through the expansive Mountain Lights. Please use your smart phone to zoom in while viewing this large image.

Artist Profile

Bruce Munro

British artist Bruce Munro’s monumental light installations have traveled across the world. In 2019, his Field of Light at Sensorio” in Paso Robles, California, attracted the attention of the world. The New York Times described his artwork as ‘There is nothing quite like the mind-bending spectacle now on display at dusk in the hills of Paso Robles, a popular wine destination. That is, the witching hour when thousands of solar-powered glass orbs on stems, created by the artist Bruce Munro, enfold visitors in an ‘earthbound aurora borealis of shifting hues’.

Bruce is best known for immersive large-scale light-based installation inspired largely by his interest in shared human experience. Recording his ideas and images in sketchbooks has been his practice for over 30 years. By this means he has captured his responses to stimuli such as music, literature, science and the world around for reference, reflection and subject matter. This tendency has been combined with a liking for components and an inventive urge for reuse, coupled with career training in the manufacture of light. As a result Munro produces both monumental experiential artworks as well an intimate story pieces.


A talk session with visiting artist Bruce Munroe in July 2022.